A unit of AGPH offers 24*7 biochemical, hematological and clinical pathology services. Our lab has up-to-date fully automated analyzers. In home biochemical parameters range from glucose, urea to high end cardiac marker assessment, blood gas and electrolyte analyzers and hematology analyzers function throughout the clock.
All investigations are subjected to analyzed and careful evaluation, all external and internal is done on a regular need to do basis. We have technically qualified staff with who are adequately trained in carrying out specific tasks. Our aim is to give precise and specific clinical diagnosis to the patient.
It is the first component approved private blood bank hospital in puducherry.
We promote and aim to achieve blood and component products.
Our serological testing includes anti HBC antibody which is a new addition and helps to detect Hepatilis B carriers
Our facilities are available at 24*7
Voluntary donation is encouraged at AGP blood bank
Our dedicated staff strive to make bring a trustworthy experience to all